EXCERPT video manipulation software

Gregoire Rousseau

Visual artists need to screen videos of high quality in many different contexts. Possible context spans from clean video work presentation, single channel video in gallery, a series of video for musical support, audiovisual performance with real time video handling, use of pre-recorded material and real time generated images.

We started coding in Processing/Java programming language software to manipulate video as a constant stream of single still images. EXCERPT sofatware allows reaching or manipulating each pixel of the picture/frame from the video materials, and outputs it as new video stream.

This perspective allows a new type of work in real time video manipulation. EXCERPT does not only work as a video mixer that would merge video streams into a single channel, EXCERPT intends as well to gather video streams in screen spaces, and a ground to implement real time generated images. An Excerpt is defined as an extract from a larger work. EXCERPT software screens part of the video material in division of space and techniques.

EXCERPT connects perfectly with Arduino, and trigerring video material with sensor data happens easily. Moving images can be  controlled by real world sensors bridging the gap between sensible world and on-looker position. Once the code ready for the specific use, it can be exported to an application for computer and scheduled to activate according to gallery opening hours.

EXCERPT is open source and it is encouraged to be shared!

No specific competences pre-required.

Skills acquired:

  • Introduction to Processing and related video libraries.
  • Image manipulation at pixel level
  • Use of real time or pre-recorded footage
  • Use of the keyboard as video editor
  • Combine multiple video stream into a single channel
  • Connect to Arduino over serial port
  • Connect to MIDI
  • Introduction to Arduino and sensor technology.

The workshop would benefit having access to 2 or three video projectors. Participants should bring their laptops.

Gregoire Rousseau is a Helsinki-based artist, educator and expert in technology. He graduated in Computer Science in 2006 and received Master of Fine Arts in 2018. His research focuses on electricity as a form of energy in the arts and its social and political implications. He lectures on technology in contemporary art practice in art academies in Europe, exhibits internationally and co-founded and contributes to Rabrab Press.

His artistic practice originates in early 2000s with sound performances using self designed analogue electronic instruments. He drifted toward visual form and since held exhibitions in Helsinki, Oslo, Pristina, Berlin, Istanbul, Research Pavillion in Venice, residency for 3rd Tiblisi trienniale, C.A.C Shanghaï, and recently at cité internationale des arts in Paris.
