Toxic Digits
Susana Gómez Larrañaga
Toxic Digits is generative audio-visual installation that reflects on the inherent proliferation of the digital and itslong lasting toxic ramifications. Enabled by the extraction of energy and minerals, vast growing amounts of digitaldata are created and stored online. In addition to the polluting disposal of digital electronics, the pervasivetoxicity of smart devices is also carried by the predatory algorithms empowered by big data mining – algorithmsseeking the maximization of human consumption online. The digital enables and instigates a cyclical trend ofconsumption that revolves around the mining of the Earth and the mining of citizens’ data.
By visually mirroring the number of relationships within tweets (mentions, hashtags, links and retweets), thework links natural processes with the growth of online digital information. The strategic use of tweet contentrefers to the fact that a database only needs more relations between extant content to increase its size. The resultis a mutating organism shaped by past relations, a “material memory” that compels us to look at the present as amaterial extension of the past. Screenshots of the visuals are saved along the way storing a more-than-humanmemory that challenges techno-human-techno taxonomies.
Susana G. Larrañaga A.K.A Susi Disorder (Spain) is an artist, educator and PhD candidate at the University ofGreenwich. Fascinated by derelict sites and their entropic assemblages, her art-led research inquiry exploresthe ruins of the digital in the context of the Anthropocene. Susana’s practice involves generative processes,print media and installation. She was one of the artists at the Digital Factory Residency in conjunction withAndy Warhol’s exhibition (2016) at Firstsite. As part of LDN WMN(2018), she was commissioned by theMayor of London and Tate Collective to create a public artwork in remembrance of the Indian suffragetteLolita Roy. Recently, she participated in FEMeeting: Women in Art, Science and Technology (PT) and theSuoja Shelter Art-lab Festival (FN). Her photo-etching for Patrick Farmer’s book ‘Azimuth: The Ecology of anEar’ was selected for the Lumen Prize longlist 2019. Susana’s work has been exhibited internationallyincluding Tate Britain.